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Beef Bulgogi with Fresh Cilantro Lettuce Wraps

This dinner was so amazing we didn’t have any leftovers! I’m pretty sure I saw my husband licking his plate. Yep, that good!!

Here is what you need.

Start by chopping up your fresh ingredients.

Chop up your 6 cloved garlic and 1 used 1/2 of this ginger very fine. You have to peel that skin off the fresh ginger.

Then your 1 pepper and 2 onion

Then take a bowl.

Add 2 tablespoons brown sugar

1/2 cup soy sauce

1 tablespoon Olive oil

1 teaspoon hot pepper flakes or less if you don't like spicy

then add your garlic and ginger to the mixture.

Take that mixture and add your chopped steak- I used stir fry steak

Let the steak marinate for about 15 mins.

Add a little olive oil

Start sauteing your onions and peppers for about 5 mins.

Take the onion and peppers out of the pan and rest on a plate.

Add a little more olive oil. add your steak to the hot pan, brown for about 2 minutes.

Then a your peppers back to the pan and tossing while heating about 1 more minute.

I added fresh Cilantro on top.

Serve with lettuce (boston Lettuce) to make lettus wraps or as a taco with shells.


XO Liz

Why clean eating can be tasty and fun


Make it simple but use your spices!! Spices are ZERO calories. 

If you don't want to spend money on your spices grow your own spice garden. Parsley, oregano, rosemary and cilantro are an easy 

start for beginner gardeners. 



Don't be afraid to be creative..Try new things, mix new flavors together. Use garlic, It is high in a sulfur compound called Allicin, which is believed to bring most of the health benefits.



Use Himalayn Salt instead of table salt, it sontains at least 84 naturally occurring trace elements in their natural mineral form, the benefits Promoting healthy pH balance in your cells, particularly your brain cells.

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